Oven baked fries with peanut sauce and mayonaise. This Dutch 'patatje oorlog' is the best! | in my Red Kitchen

Oven baked fries with peanut sauce and mayonnaise


Oven baked fries with peanut sauce and mayonaise. This Dutch 'patatje oorlog' is the best! | in my Red Kitchen

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Dutch recipe. And here I am, giving you Dutch junk food which you don’t normally make at home ๐Ÿ˜‰

Our recent trip to Amsterdam totally inspired me to share this recipe with you. I didn’t grew up with going out for dinner (so maybe that’s why I enjoy it so much ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) but on weekends we sometimes got some take out food! There wasn’t much choice, it was either Chinese food or fries, frikandellen and bitterballen from the so-called ‘snackbar’.

Grilled goat cheese sandwich with bacon and dates - it's a scrumptious sandwich! | in my Red Kitchen

Grilled goat cheese sandwich with bacon and dates

Grilled goat cheese sandwich with bacon and dates - it's a scrumptious sandwich! | in my Red Kitchen

My husband doesn’t like goat cheese. Poor me! I know, i know… I shouldn’t complain because I can cook something with goat cheese for myself and give him a substitute.
And sometimes I do that, but it is more like a salad or pasta topped with goat cheese, or this sweet potato and kale mash. I give him bacon or prosciutto and I get to eat all the goat cheese, yay!

Dutch Potato Salad – Huzarensalade

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting on the balcony, with my laptop working on a blogpost. Suddenly I heard somebody calling:



I sat still and looked around. There was nobody I could see from where I sat. So it sure wasn’t for me. I wasn’t expecting visitors and nobody could see me from down the street because we have an enclosed balcony.
So I ignored it.

But then, a week later it was the same voice:



“You, on the balcony!”

From where I sat I couldn’t see any other neighbors on their balconies, so maybe this person wรกs calling me after all? But how could he see me? Strange!

Huzarensalade P


So I got up and looked down.